4300 Ramona Ave
Dallas, Texas 75216
Pastor Kevin D. Bush
Associate Minister, Reverend Mamie Bush-Johnson
Dear Member and Friends,
Welcome to Right Way Baptist Church Community information blog. Please check in often for announcements and inspiration!
Church Schedule:
-> Sunday School 9:45am
-> Sunday Sevices 10:45am
-> Mid-Week Service 8:00pm
Weekly Events July 4th-thru- 10th:
July 5th - 7:30 pm Weekly "Read the Bible in 90 Days" Ministry
July 7th - 10:00am Right Way Support Ministry will be taking applications for food distribution at the church.
Please not the following is required at sign up in order to qualify:
- 18 years and over - need current photo ID (if a copy, it must be in color)
- 17 years and under - need birth certificate or current Medicaid statement
- Adults will need to provide:
- A rental lease agreement (from property owner) or
- Apartment lease (must list all occupants for food program) and state if utilites are paid by the Apartments,
- Provide property tax statement or property deed or mortgage loan on home.
- Provide current utility bill.
- Monthly Income
Distribution will take place on July 16th 12:00 noon
->>If you need emergency grocery assistance, you may go directly to Crossroads located at 1822 Young St., Dallas TX 75201. Be in line by 8:30 AM Monday through Thursday. Please tell the Crossroads staff that you want to receive a monthly supply of groceries through The Right Way Church, 4300 Ramona Ave., Dallas TX 75216.
July 10 - 7:00pm B.K. Douglass and More than Conquerors will be in concert. Right Way's Voices of Praise will be singing as well. Please come out and enjoy the great fellowship!
"In 1995, knowing the call of God in his life to organize, train, and lead a group of anointed singers, BK Douglas and More Than Conquerors (MTC) was established. MTC is an 18 piece voice ensemble dedicated to fulfilling Gods vision as directed by Minister of Music B.K. Douglas. The vision shall not die, but continue to bring the uncompromising word of God in song for the glory of God, for deliverance, encouragement, and salvation of His people. MTC desires to encourage the saved and lead both young and old to worship God in Spirit and Truth."
July 11th - 3:30 pm - Right Way is the invited guest of the Samaria Missionary Baptist Church, Waxahachie, Texas.
July 21st - 7:00pm - July Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Reception will take place in the fellowship hall. All members who will celebrate their birthday or wedding anniversary this month and their families are invited. This month's reception is sponsored by the Right Way Men's Choir!