Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Week of August 1st-7th

Upcoming and Weekly Events:

Monday, August 2nd -

-->Praise Dance Team - 6:30pm-7:45pm Rehearsal

--> Read the Entire Bible in 90 Days - 7:30pm-8:30pm

Wednesday, August 4th -

--> Men's Choir Practice - 7:00pm

--> All Ushers and those interested in being ushers, as well as all Hospitality members are required to meet with Pastor Bush. - 7:30pm

Right Way Food Support Ministry Grocery Blessings

--> Registration for families to receive groceries will take place next Tuesday, August 3rd, from 10:00am until 12:00noon.

Right Way Vacation Bible School
--> Tuesday, August 10th thru Thursday, August 12th 7pm-9pm. Come join us for Bible lessons, Fun, Food and Fellowship for all ages! Invite your family and friends. All teachers are asked to be present for an Orientation Meeting next Sunday, ugust 1st after Worship Service.

Right Way 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

--> Friday, August 13th 6:30pm - Teams must pre-register to participate in tournament. Players must be members of Right Way Church. Deadline to register is Sunday, August 1st

Right Way Fellowship on Wheels/Summer Wind Down Celebration!

-->Wednesday, August 18th - Everyone is invited to come skate, eat and feloowhsip with the Right Way Church! We will also honor all AUgust Birthday and Wedding Anniversaries at the fun fellowship!

Gigantic Church Parking Lot Sale, Car Wash & Fish Fry

--> Saturday, August 21st - 8:00am-3:00pm Please donate gently used items for the cause.

Mark Your Calendar!
Right Way Pastor's 3rd Year Anniversary
--> Sunday, September 26

In the News...

August 1st - On Sunday, July 24th Right Way Baptist Church was blessed with a powerful testimony from visitor, Alvis R. Lewis, a Dallas actor who overcame amazing odds to achieve his dreams through perseverance, healing and faith in Jesus Christ. "I challenged myself about 5+yrs ago in 2004 to pursue my childhood dream of becoming an Actor/ Fashion Model it's been a success and I've just been blessed along this pathway. Thanks be to GOD!" Mr. Lewis implored the youth of the church to not even experiment with drugs. "Just say no because you have so much to say yes to in the church." Mr. Lewis can be seen on Fox 4 series "The Good Guys" as well as the stage play, Twisted II: "The End of the Rope" , August 28th, 2010 @ 3pm & 7:30pm at Plaza Theater, 521 W. State Street, Garland.

July 17th - Food Support Ministry volunteers convened to help with the monthly grocery distribution at Right Way Church on Friday. To their surprise they were served a hearty breakfast of sausage, biscuits, cheese, eggs, jelly and orange juice, to fuel the busy day ahead of them.
Following the breakfast, prepared by Sis. Brittany Brinkley, daughter of Sis. Dawn Brinkley, the food distribution began and ran smoothly throughout the day preparing groceries for 41 recipients. WOW, breakfast was delicious. Thank you Sister Brittany and thanks to all of those who volunteered their time to give back to community.

The next registration will take place on August 3, 2010, from 10 A.M. til 12 Noon at the Church.

To make it easier for everyone who may encounter potential clients, a new sign-up list with the required information stated on it has been prepared for distribution. It is imperative that individuals arrive with all needed documentation on registration day.

If they do not have the documentation, they must take it to Crossroads at 1822 Young St., Dallas TX 75201, and let them know that they are completing papers or signing up for the monthly distribution at The Right Way Church, 4300 Ramona Ave., Dallas TX 75216.

Donations Needed:

Our cupboards are 99.9 percent empty. Your donations of food and/or cash are needed. Please see the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall for a list of requested items. *We cannot accept any items that have been given to anyone through our monthly distribution from Crossroad

Thank you and God Bless, Sis. Clarie Nelson, President of the Right Way Food Support Ministry

If you are not able to attend church, please mail your tithes and offering to

Right Way Baptist Church

P.O. Box 6004

Arlington, Texas 76005

Prayer List: Please keep all of our members and their loved ones in your prayers as you go about your week. God Bless!

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