Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week of March 28th - April 2nd

This week at Right Way Church

Wednesday, March 30th

700pm Men's Choir Rehearsal

730pm Women's Usher's Meeting/Rehearsal

800pm Mid-week worship service

Thursday, March 31st

We are preparing for Easter Sunday!

700pm Children of the King Easter Program Rehearsal

---All children and overseers are asked to be present

700pm Voices of Praise will sing at ManorCare Nursing Facility

Saturday, April 2nd Men Under Construction Ground Breaking Session here at Right Way!

All young men and men ages 12-to-112 are encouraged to be present. Pastor Bush is the instructor. Next

Sunday, April 3rd 100am- Pastor Bust will meet

with ALL candidates for Baptism in order to be baptized at 1045am Service.

Gigantic Easter Basket Give-a-Way

During the months of March and April, tickets will be sold for $2.00 each for a huge Ester Basket! Items included but not limited to DVD Player, mobile phone, gift cards, movie tickets and much, much more! This drawing is sponsored by the Pastor's Anniversary Committee.

Drawing to be held: Sunday, April 24th, 2011. Please contact Rev. Mamie Bush-Johnson for more details!

Grocery Blessing - Right Way Food Support Ministry
For those previously registered, the next food distribution is Friday, April 15th -12:15pm. Please see Sis. Nelson regarding this ministry or go to our Opportunities Wall. !!!COMING SOON!!! Right Way Community Health Fair April 2011

    • Blood Pressure check

    • Diabetes Screening

    • Nutrition

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