Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week of March 5-12, 2011

The Black History Program was a success and blessing to all in attendance.
The program began with Right Way's Children of the King performance of

Black history: A dramatization

Special thanks to our guest:
Praise Dance Team
and our guest speaker:
Victor Thomas

New Ministries coming this March 2011:

  • Young Ladies Etiquette Ministry - 1st meeting, March 12th at Right Way Baptist Church
  • Coming Soon!
  • Men Under Construction Ministry

* * *
Right Way Food Support Ministry - REMINDER
* A special thanks to all of the volunteers who helped to serve 49 families during this past distribution.

Distribution months are now February, April, June, August, October and December. The next Food Distribution for those that previously registered at Crossroads is:
~~~~~Friday, April 15, 2011 12:15pm~~~~~

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