Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Daniel Fast The Right Way: January 14th-23rd

The Right Way Church January 2013
"Daniel" 10 Day Fast         

(Midnight Monday, January 14th thru
              Midnight Wed., Jan. 23rd the Fast is ended!)

*Spiritual Requirements
For a Blessed & Victorious Fast!

  Avoid Distractions – avoid secular TV & radio.
 Focus on your Faith – Worship God through the sacrificing of food and outside distractions!
 Pray – Pray 3 times as much as you normally do throughout the 10 Day Fast.  Praying at least morning, noon & evening.
 Study the Bible – Take time out to literally read your Bible!  Eliminating TV & radio will allow time to read more of God’s Word.
 Seek the Lord & Fellowship – Make a commitment to be present for Wed. & Sun. Services throughout the Fast!
*Food Requirements
for a Blessed & Victorious Fast!
*Appropriate Foods*
(To eat in moderation)
-       All Fruits & Vegetables
-       whole grain
-       Nuts & seeds
-       Herbs & Spices
-       Tofu  
A Special Note from Rev. Mamie Bush-Johnson
Did you know that you can also eat:
Popcorn with NO butter
Whole Wheat Noodles and tomato sauce
Fresh Fruit Smoothies NO Milk
Chicken Broth
Beans & Rice                                      

*Inappropriate Foods*
- All Meats & Animal Products
- All dairy products
- All deep fried foods
- All solid fats

*Please only drink Water!
(No sugar, caffeine or alcoholic beverages)

Please be obedient to the Guidelines so that God will richly Bless our 2013, 10 Day “Daniel” Fast!!!